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Ok so for some odd reason I guess I gotta little bored today and decided to go into a yahoo chat room tonight right. Yeah i know some straight corney shit, but I have done bagged a couple hoes off of there for tha record..but thats a whole other story..so anyway I jumps on there just to see whats shaking and I get some IM from this broad, actually this white young girl trying to send me some webcam I'ma stripper type shit. So as soon as she does I goes straight in on tha bitch and told her quit wasting my time blah blah blah (you know the deal) but then I guess once she seen I wasn't on it I guess she thought it was a little interesting to try and politic wit a nigga..it was 2 girls, 1 older and 1 younger sister. So 2 make a long story short basically once i told her to get her shit together...you wouldn't believe what happened next!
Oh and u know how that IM shit go so my spelling is probably all over the place - prey 4 me!