Thursday, September 9, 2010

Interesting: Dating Site Study Finds Black People More Likely To Mention Faith In Profile

This article raised an interesting eyebrow because I just recently had a conversation w/ my GF who's Spanish who recently mentioned to me somewhat of the same thing: what draws her to black men are our existence and essence of soul. Not to down play any other races but I think it's pretty easy to acknowledge the distinctions in that the value of characteristics and qualities that other races respect and honor are different. For example shes Spanish so she just feels like whenever she sees rice on the menu then by default she just has to have some, or being prideful to the point where she just has to have a pair of "I love Puerto Rico" socks or flip flops (lol). Whereas myself....well I just think it's interesting how certain things represent more value to some moreso then they do to others - for the right reasons of course. None the less check it out for yourself:

"Stuff Black people like"

Courtesy of NewsOne:

The blog for the dating website has come up with an actual list of stuff black people, white people, Asians and Latinos like. By combing through the profiles on OKCupid they were able to determine the most popular items and terms. So what were they? see for yourself @ Ok Cupid Study

White dudes like: Tom Clancy, Van Halen, Golfing, Harley Davidson, Ghostbusters, Phish, The Big Lebowski, Soundgarden, brew, and boating. (Also Burn Notice, Tenacious D, and “software.”) Sounds like a bad joke, right? Like, when you get to the word “Phish,” you think, “Nothing could be whiter than that, right?” And then you get to brew.

White chicks like: the Red Sox, Jodi Picoult, boating, NASCAR, mascara, Ireland, Nicholas Sparks, horseback riding, and bonfires. We’ll admit, seeing the Red Sox on top threw us a little.
Black dudes like (or are): soul food, “I am cool,” ESPN, playing basketball, Menace to Society, “tall, dark, and handsome,” “god-fearing,” Mos Def, rapping, Lupe Fiasco. Interesting they didn’t go for the “II” construction.

Black chicks like (or are): soul food, The Color Purple, “god-fearing,” gospel, Alicia Keys, neo soul, lip gloss, and “the coldest winter ever.”

OKCupid refrains from making many generalizations, except to observe that black people are more than twice as likely than average to mention their faith in their profiles.

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