Now when I first seen this CNN special report initially I was somewhat indifferent on it in regards to my perceptions and/or attitudes but then as I began to think about it as a person who has personally transitioned from a have not to somewhat of someone who is considerably well off then that's when I became moved to really sit down and try and address it. "It" being what the segment referred to as Debt in America, specifically within the black community. Also I thought it was also very interesting how they attempted to tie religion and faith into the dialog as it relates to the health and welfare of our economic status as if the 2 are linked? maybe? maybe not? but nonetheless, wasn't religion the same thing that was and always has been used to control us as slaves by our slave masters?
But at any rate, I think there were about 3 different stories that were being attempted to be told...all in different situations from 3 different points of view: a young college bound kid, an older out of work gentlemen suffering from the cutbacks of the recession, and the other a married couple who was otherwise able to afford a pretty good lifestyle prior to the economic decline.
So I guess in order if I start with to me whats the easiest decomposable to not first up is: Dude #2 - the older gentlemen who got downsized due to the recession. First of all I wanna say that my hat goes off to this guy because of the tenacity of his struggle and grind and the shear amount of optimism that he was able to keep despite his diversity, that's god like right there. So to be honest, what can you really say being in this situation....
this is everyone's worst nightmare straight up and down and whether you are black or not the reality is anyone who was downsized are were over 50 all faced these same problems man...the age gap and the salary/entitlements level for major players like that are huge so now as many companies begin to move forward with a new more agile deployment strategy for execution unfortunately it doesn't include the composition and design of 20-30 yr experienced executives, rather most companies are seeking a new, young, and more innovate talent pool. And I'm not denying their value, but even working within the executive levels of leadership myself I can kinda see where the trade offs are being made. These things happen by design, not consequences. However I do think all of these ladies and gentlemen could become the future of new business beginning to sprout up..why not right? they are experienced, vested, and have tremendous connectivity within the business community themselves.

And then for the married they were an example of everything I would not ever want to be! It looked like to me they probably started feeling themselves because they ran into a lil money (i think the show said their mortgage was like 4 stacks) and forgot where they came from. I say that because as your situations change then you must change with you are trying to hold onto a $4,000 mortgage with only one income and then although they downgraded to one car that car was still a BMW and a gas gussler at that. Personally speaking on experience there ain't a black woman I know that'll do no shit like that, thats how you can tell this couple must have been some of these siditty n!ggas that thought they've done reached the promise land LMAO. Now as a man I can probably imagine the frustration of putting ya family into a home and then having to hand it back over to the bank but ya daughter is about to try and get into school, ya wife looking like she thinks to good to work at Walmart, and you got a 4 stack mortgage plus a BMW??? Man I would told that big bitch to either hop her fat ass on one of them poles or find us a 2 bedroom apartment! Now I ain't the smartest man in america but it seems to me like in times of economic distress, the objective is to begin to try and economize and become efficient not egotistical and trying to show ya nutsack. Which cordially leads me to
Pimp rule #34 - if you ever gotta explain to your wife or girl why you gotta get rid of the house and she can't understand why or she starts complaining - then you are the one being pimped slapped fuck boy bcuz you got a silly hoe in the first place, (if she can spend it and count it but can't figure out how to make it stretch, then move on because you are doing wrong playboy) and the minute you try and leave then she's gonna go and try to take half of yo shit because she doesn't wanna feel bad by her damn self anyway....#chuuuch
But all and all I honestly really gotta say i don't really know anyone like these people that they try and link us to in the media....everybody I know got problems and on the grind. Where was the single parent mother w/ 3 kids, or the family that has a wife who works as a office asst w/ a husband who works at the trucking company with a special needs child, or the young couple w/ a newborn baby trying to make ends meet but its difficult because he's done served a bid up state? Why is there no shows on what kinda debt these people have? I appreciate the effort but honestly I rather watch Meet the Browns instead.
One Love
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